daily life trip - photo blog
Jaroslaw Harmata - great macros
Artoto - realistic arts and photos
About: my name is Marcin Fiedziukiewicz, I work as Product Director at AGORA SA (, I'm traveler, photographer and journalist...more
fiedziu photos - Marcin Fiedziukiewicz portfolio
if you want buy photos in Hi-Res or just contact me write:
Photos (galleries)
Belarus - people of Minsk, Minsk City, more
China - around the country, Shanghai, more

Mongolia - around the country, more...
Poland - around the country, Niedzica Castle, more
Portugal - Lisbon, Sintra, Madeira NEW, more
Russia - Moscow, more...
USA - Grand Canyon, Las Vegas Nights, more
   more soon (Hungary, Slovakia...), see few postards
Supermarket-Train (Russia)
Amarante Bombeiros (Portugal)
Naadam Festival (Ulaan Baatar - Mongolia)
Labour's Day (1st of May in Moscow)
Tuning Show (Beijing)
1st May in Minsk (Belarus)
Las Vegas 6 am (Nevada, USA)
Pilgrims - pilgrimage to Czestochowa (Poland)
site map | © Marcin Fiedziukiewicz 2007
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Skanuję w Studio QbA Jakub Jewuła w Krakowie